Our Community
Our Neighbors

Our Friends

The Purim Fund has distributed close to $3,500,000 to members of our community over the past 15 years.

Be part of it again this year!

Donate Now
Chicago Purim Fund, United as one.
Chicago Purim Fund | CPFund | Torn Shoe, jewish community fund

Per the psak of Dayan Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, One can be yotzei the mitzvah of Matanos L’evyonim by donating on our website until a half hour before shkiah on Purim day.

Donate Now

Imagine this

We leave the doctor’s office reeling from the diagnosis. How are we to cope? The mere thought of the months of treatments ahead sends us falling into a deep emotional abyss. Our fridge has been bare for many months. We are thankful that we have a roof over our heads but lately it feels like that is all we have. Our kids do their best to pretend that we’re just another family on the block, but people know otherwise. Where can we turn for help? As everyone around is busy putting together costumes and themes for Purim we are trying to figure out how to keep the heat on for
Purim in our home…

Donate Now

About Us

Letter about the Chicago purim fund, endorsed by David Berkowitz 
Tomer Bitton 
Shua Hoffman 
Yosef Olstein
David Rosenwasser 
Dovid Seitler
Chicago purim fund, Chicago chesed organization, shul representatives list


Chicago chesed fumd for the jewish community, endorsed by the jewish community leaders 
David Berkowitz 
Tomer Bitton 
Shua Hoffman 
Yosef Olstein
David Rosenwasser 
Dovid Seitler
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